Computer Programs Register, even not need in Brazil, has, as main objective to constitute an evidence of the authorship. Furthermore, the register in Brazil has validity in several countries and confers protection to the respective heading, unless original and not confusing with the ones of other workmanships of similar sorts.
What it is
- Consulting on elaboration and election of technical documentation for Computer Program Register in several languages;
- Preparation and filling of Computer Program Register, enclosing formal and technical documentation;
- Attendance of administrative process regarding the application, guiding the client to take the necessary measures;
- Administrative, judicial and extrajudicial defense of Computer Program Registers, in Brazil and foreign;
- Analysis of strategies for exercise the rights conferred by Computer Program Registers, and respective litigation in administrative and judicial spheres;
- Contract negotiation, elaboration and entry related to Computer Program Registers licensing, in Brazil and foreign;
- Legal Consulting in the strategical planning of the best fiscal alternatives for the contracting;
- Legal assessorship in the planning and evaluation of intangible assets and brand equity.