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In Brazil, a process or product that meets the requirements of novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability can be object of protection by Patent of Invention. The improvement to the same inventive concept already deposited by the same inventor can be asked as Certificate of Addition. In case the product only presents a new form that results in functional improvement, it can still be patented, as Utility Model. The objective of a Patent, either as Invention, as Certificate of Addition or as Model of Utility, is to guarantee to the applicant the right to hinder that a third one produces, uses, sales or imports the product or process of production object of protection.

What it is

- National and international prior art research, Research & Development of products and process-oriented ;
- National and international prior art search, guided by patents applications;
- National and International prior art research, guided to subsidize administrative and judicial proceedings in which the validity of patents is argued;
- Elaboration of text and drawings for patent applications in all the areas of technology and in several languages;
- Preparation and filling of patent application in Brazil and foreign countries;
- Elaboration, filling, attendance and defense of PCT patents (Patent Cooperation Treaty);
- Brazilian National Phase of Patent Cooperation Treaty – PCT, including translation of the application from original language to Portuguese;
- Attendance and filling of foreign patents applications in Brazil, including priority claim and translation of the application from original language to Portuguese;

- Attendance of administrative process regarding the application, guiding the client to take the necessary measures;
- International and National Watch services of third ones’ patents that can intervene in the concession of the patent or in the activities of the client by the exclusive system ABREU,MERKL W3P;
- Administrative, judicial and extrajudicial defense of patents, in Brazil and foreign countries;
- Analysis of strategies for the Patents right of action, and respective litigation in administrative and judicial spheres;
- Contract negotiation, elaboration and entry related to patent licensing, in Brazil and foreign countries;
- Legal Consulting in the strategical planning of the best fiscal alternatives for the contracting;
- Legal assessorship in the planning and evaluation of intangible assets and brand equity.

What we do

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